Hacktoberfest, SpringBoot & Jenkins contributions


I joined the 2023 Hacktoberfest event, and managed to end up with 3 main contributions:

It has been some time since I last took part in the Hacktoberfest open-source events.
This year, I came in with a handful of goals and minimal time to spare, and here’s how it all played out:

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Advent of Code 2021 summary!


Coding event Advent of code 2021, a new year, a new challenge… let’s go

Advent of code (AoC) is a coding event taking place every year on december. From the 1st of December to the 25th, a new coding puzzle is released daily.

I am joining the event for the third time, and will share my adventure through the coding puzzles. Github repo

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Advent of Code 2020!


Advent of code 2020 starts today!

Advent of code (AoC) is a coding event taking place every year on december. From the 1st of December to the 25th, a new coding puzzle is released daily.

I am joining the event for the second time, and will write a bit about the coding journey…

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Covid19 Graph


An humble project, aiming at displaying daily updated data regarding the disease.

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